
Del árabe wa-shā' (I)llāh - pronunciado en árabe hispano coloquial probablemente como w-shā-llāh , con el significado de "y quiera Dios". Existen otras dos expresiones con significados parecidos: in shā' Illah, “si quiere Dios” , shā' Illah ,“¡oh!, quiera Dios”.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

...Single words...

... This time I felt that I should write in homage to a great american friend... It will be a simple and short text... just single words.

The christmas is coming...Barcelona is getting lighted...every single street is decored by Christmas lights. Its time to buy presents to family and friends... I always loved Christmas and all the issues surrounded on it. I've never got sad on this time, just the oposite. It's time to celebrate... just the fact that we are free and we can do whatever we want with our lifes (Gabi, this was for you).

So, that's it.. just to remind to myself how lucky I'm to have wonderful friends and family!

And to say to you all that I'm returning to home, after almost 3 years in BCN...

There's no place like home!

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